Drew Harper on Mars

Drew Harper vs Mars, Bodybuilder Ball Bash (Underground Wrestler)

Newcomer Mars looks terribly tasty. From some angles he looks like Scrappy; from others, he looks like Brad Rochelle. Drew Harper makes him writhe like a worm on a sharp hook for almost sixteen minutes. Drew is determined to break the new man, inaugurating the young bodybuilder's entrance into Underground Wrestler. Mars sells the agony pitch-perfectly. It is real, or at the very least convincing. UW has discovered a new star, but he may not survive the hazing Drew has prepared for him.

You may recognize Mars from his fight with Silas at Thunders Arena, covered here last month. That match set up rookie against rookie, with my eye drawn instantly to his height (6') and his fun-loving rowdiness. If Mars thinks getting squashed by Drew Harper (6'1") is fun, the joy doesn't show on his face. Drew focuses on the newcomer's crotch, wringing it like a wet washcloth. He also takes advantage of the ring ropes to wreak further havoc.

I wish Mars had a hope spot here, but he doesn't. He's less concerned with fighting than with surviving his quarter-hour of hell.

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  1. Mars is totally cute. Hopefully he wears less and less.

  2. Both men HOT, and HOT suffering! BIG KUDOS to Harper. His body-type has always seemed sorta hard-gainer for beefed-up defined muscle groups, but DAMN, has he worked up a SMOKIN' pair of meaty pecs. If he gets any sexier....WOOFY!!


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