Looking for Trouble

Zack Reno vs Anton Alvarez, Match 838 - Revenge Match (UCW)

Zack wants Anton back in the ring. He's not happy with the guy's trickster impersonation of a ref in Reno's bid to take the UCW belt away from Axel. That was in July. Now it's October, and the chloroform rag is again at ringside, waiting to sabotage Reno's comeback and, quite likely, get Alvarez closer to the belt.

This is a tough match for both wrestlers.  It gathers energy as it progresses, and neither man is keen on fighting by the rules. They're here to brutalize and win enough respect to be considered contenders. For each other, however, there is no respect, just a drive to dominate and emasculate the other guy. With 40 pounds on Zack and a chloroform rag as backup, Anton could be a shoo-in. 

The match combines boyish roughhouse and killer instinct. Fans of back-and-forth beatings will have plenty to love here. Those who enjoy watching Reno get the shit beat out of him are in for a treat, too. The specter of chloroform is a bit much, in my opinion, but I'm happy it isn't center of attention. And before you write him off, think of how many times Reno the underdog has turned a match around at the last minute.

Visit UCW here.


  1. Anton is built like a tank. Zach has his work cut out.


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