The Wolf in the Gazebo

Wolfboy vs Forrest Taylor, Gazebo Grapplers 23 (BG East)

The fight is spontaneous, as close to real as underground wrestling gets. The erotic subtext is there from the beginning, but it's not the focus of the match. 

The story goes like this - Forrest is cleaning the gazebo. Wolfboy arrives out of nowhere and wants to step inside. Forrest says no and throws dry leaves at the hiker. A really bratty move. Wolfboy takes offense, and in a matter of seconds the two are wrestling, tearing at each other's clothes.

The setup (stickler vs freewheeling rebel) resembles this summer's Kirk Donahue vs Nathan FX feud, only without the swimming pool. It is classic underground, ego versus ego, and in this instance, rawer than usual, thanks to the pair's thirst for roughhouse. 

Taylor and Wolfboy are both 5'7", with only a three-pound difference in weight. They are a good match physically and a good contrast attitudinally. The fight is convincing. At times, it felt real, no punches pulled. The opponents' instant dislike for each other looks a lot like thinly disguised attraction. As we know, the quickest way to a man's heart is to kick his ass.

Wolfboy brims with rebellious energy. He is both instigator and seducer. Taylor is handsome, and as a minor-league authoritarian, he is a perfect foil for Wolfboy. 

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