Finish Me

Jesse Zane vs Tanner Ripley, Finish Me (MuscleBoy)

Jesse gives Tanner Ripley a MuscleBoy welcome: a medley of power slams, hard punches, sweat, and frottage. This is Tanner's first visit to the MBW fight room, but it's clear he's at ease here. Tanner's taller and heavier than Jesse, but less experienced. Still, the fit is right. The two wallop and grope like they have something to prove to each other, which might, in fact, be true. The sweat is flowing in earnest by the match's midpoint. Cocks start wagging in the 36-minute match's final 13. The cocks give a certain oomph to the proceedings.

Jesse sticks close to his personal playbook - side headlocks, knuckles to the gut, body slams, spladles, all delivered in high style here. Tanner throws caution to the wind and fights like a wild man. Jesse does his best to restrain him and often succeeds. Neither man minds going Greek, stripping down to the skin and wrestling like the Olympians of old.

The loser of the match gets a face full of cock before the victor politely asks the all-but-KO'ed loser if he wants to be properly "finished." The loser mumbles something that may or may not be consent, but he gets brained in the climactic piledriver anyway. Before walking off, the winner kisses the sleeping stud on the cheek, as proof that there are no hard feelings.

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