Hot & Sweaty

Tanner Ripley vs Alex Garcia, Hot & Sweaty (Underground Wrestler)

You can hear the moans and gasps for air. You can almost feel the body heat. 

Maybe you remember Alex from 88Wrestling. Last year he went up against Ethan Andrews three times, once colluding with Nick Karras to take Ethan on in a two-on-one match. Those matches got the expected results. In the second one, Alex lasted through to a third round - against Ethan, mind you. In the third match, Garcia held his own one on one far past what Ethan expected. 

Alex is a different animal out of the ring and on the wrestling mat, and his opponent, Tanner Ripley, who also made his mark last year, is a formidable but sometimes too-sure-of-himself adversary. Right off the bat, Tanner gives Alex a crash course in mat grappling. Three and a half minutes into the match, Alex successfully reverses, to my surprise and Tanner's. Ninety seconds later, though, Tanner is up and ready to tussle.

The reversals are neither as smooth nor as vicious as I would like them to be. On the plus side, both are quick to sweat and appear not to own briefs bigger than a credit card. At their sweatiest, halfway through the fight, Alex and Tanner reverse dominance every three minutes, climaxing in a powerful showdown, ending with a swift and ambition-crushing choke-out. 

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