Kayden vs Dio

Kayden Keller vs Dio Characi, X-Fights 58 (BG East)

Word is out that Kayden was chomping at the bit to face Brazilian heart-throb Dio on the BGE mat. What Kayden wants, he gets, so here the destroyer goes toe to toe with the seducer. Odds are that Kayden will win this one easily, and in this case it's probably unwise to dismiss the odds.

Most of Keller's matches are in the squared circle. He has wrestled in the mat room quite a few times, too - and he has also dominated challengers in the gazebo, the swimming pool, and the Wrestleshack. The ring, however, remains his home base. He's as well rounded as anybody on the BGE roster, far more than most wrestlers. 

Dio performs at his best on a mat. That is my observation, anyway. Still, I see no way that this match will be even close to even. Dio's specialty is his sultry manner, seducing and weakening his opponents. I can't see coos and heavy breathing taking down six-foot-one Keller, although Characi is just one inch shorter.

Does Dio use hypnotic powers to control his opponents? That's the rumor - though, admittedly, I may have made the rumor up - or dreamt it. I like the idea. But I can't see Keller melting for any opponent, much less a guy who, despite his charms, has lost most of his fights thus far. That said, Dio is stronger than most challengers think he is and his sex appeal has made more than a couple of kneecaps melt like wax. 

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