Bruise and Snooze

Anton Alvarez vs Kal Conner, Match #876, Lost Sleeper Video (UCW)

Not over yet! UCW can't resist a curtain call, and if a match is as hot as this one, I refuse to complain. Anton catches Kal raising a chloroform rag against him and snatches it from his hands. He turns the weapon on the punk, signaling that he's not a man to be messed with. He follows with some pointers on other ways to knock a dude out, such as choke holds, gut punches, body slams, and forehead bashes. But the rag, ever in need of another jigger of chloroform, is a constant. Kal ought to know better, but I'm glad he didn't. He stepped into a trap of his own devising. I love watching this slender beauty bent, wrung, and smothered by an agile roughneck like Alvarez. This may be a "lost" video, but it belongs in the spotlight, and so here it is.

Visit UCW here.


  1. I've been hoping to see Kal on the receiving end of a KO match for years. This was really worth the wait. I love how Anton kept his rag soaked and close at hand. Who can blame him? Kal is the perfect rag doll that's just begging to be played with. Great job UCW! You will be missed.


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