Two Sides of Kirk

Kirk Donahue vs Mason Broder, Two Sides of Kirk (BG East)

In his evolution from babyface to heel, Kirk Donahue at times finds himself with one foot on heroism and the other foot on roguery. In BG East's The Two Sides of Kirk, we see both. In Match 1, we see Kirk taking on Spanish wrestler and wrestling coach Mason Broder, a familiar face here on Skull Island. In Match 2, Kirk plays the bully against Leroy Blaze, in his second appearance at BGE, following a bumpy match against rageaholic Jonny Firestorm (Catalog 167).

Over the last quarter century I have visited Spain three times, once in Madrid, once in Barcelona, and then again in Madrid, and every visit confirms my impression of Spanish men's lock on charm and virility. Broder brings style and grace to his home base Hunkswrestling, and he is no less impressive in the BG East ring. Kirk introduces himself to Mason like a gentleman, welcoming him to the ring. This is old-school Donahue, the Kirk I fell for nine or so years ago.

The match starts off sportingly, the wrestlers locking collar and elbow. Mason looks likely to claim the first fall, but Kirk gets a tight wristlock on him that forces Broder to one knee. Mason tumbles out of it and reverses. Kirk commends Mason's respect for the rules of the wrestling ring. When Broder grabs the bottom rope, Kirk is quick to release his arm bar. "What's fair is fair," he says. However, when Kirk falls under the corner ropes, Mason is slow to remove his heel from Donahue's adam's apple, disregarding an important rule of fair play. Kirk sits up, coughing, his eyes blurry. I figure THIS is where he blows his top.

But, no. Kirk isn't up on his knees before Mason starts choking him against the middle rope. Shortly after the match's first third, Kirk turns on Broder, paying him back for his ungentlemanly tactics by slamming him face first to the mat. Mason gets only what he deserves - a good old American beatdown. And few know how to crank kneecaps better than Donahue. The spot lasts five minutes before Broder slams his forearm up against Donahue's balls. Things get dirty fast - but it has to be said that the blame is all on Mason, who sets out to cripple Kirk further. The last half is back and forth. I leave the finale for you to see for yourself.

Match 2 opens with newcomer Leroy on a massage table.  A masseur rubs Blaze's thighs, calves, and back. Then Kirk enters the room quietly and motions the masseur to leave, bribing him with a hundred-dollar bill. Kirk picks up where the masseur left off, rolling his knuckles and elbow over Blaze's upper back, digging deep. Then, for no good reason Kirk twists Leroy's right arm against his back. Blaze cranes his head back: "What the fuck is goin' ...!" Kirk strikes him hard and collars the newbie with a towel and marches him to the ring, hurling him in between the middle and bottom ropes.

Kirk's attack is unprovoked and cowardly, but this is Donahue the heel at work. He heaves Blaze up off the ring floor and slams his nuts against Kirk's outstretched knee. He throws the newbie into a corner and drives his shoulder to his chest and abs. Then, he chokes Blaze on the bottom rope while digging his elbow to the guy's pecs. Taken completely by surprise, Leroy can only grimace.  Most of Kirk's attacks resemble typical deep tissue massage, but he adds hair pulling as an extra. The beatdown expands into large-scale pro-wrestling tactics, body-slamming Leroy to the center of the ring and walking over Leroy's abdominals. We're near the halfway point when Blaze strikes back.

Blaze gives Donahue one or two minutes of payback but gets cut short when the heel carries him on his shoulders, then slams him to the ring floor. Kirk's punishments are coldblooded. I see one more hope spot for the rookie that lasts under a minute, and if there is another, I missed it by blinking. Sad to say, this is the treatment hopefuls can expect at BG East. Here is the dark side of Kirk Donahue - it's mean, unsporting, yet, truth be told, pretty hot.

Kirk Donahue vs Leroy Blaze, Two Side of Kirk (BG East)

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