Backseat Warriors

Richi vs Tom, car ju jitsu (WatchFighters)

Thanks to roverart, we have skilled wrestlers testing the limits of hand-to-hand combat, in swimming pools and trains and, now, the backseat of a compact car. Grapplers Richi and Tom don't need mats or rings. They might well fight in a bathtub or zero-gravity plane next. The contests are short and intense, but gentlemanly. After each tap-out, the wrestlers buckle up for the next round. This match lasts a bit more than ten minutes, but it's intriguing without being brutal. Richi and Tom give us a short break from the usual wrestling cliches and theatrics. Not that I mind cliches and theatrics, but deviations are welcome at Skull Island. Turn up the volume to optimize the grunts and groans.

Visit WatchFighters here.
Running time - 10:33


  1. Richi is so hot. I love the videos where he suffers.


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