Fitness Test

Tanner Vonn vs Monstah Mike, Demolition 38 (BG East)

I like Tanner. He's slim, handsome, and ready to wrestle. Monstah Mike doubts his opponent has what it takes to challenge a beefy brawler like himself, and he's mostly right about that. Tanner attempts a move, but Mike busts loose with little or no effort. Tanner tries again. This time, he impresses even Monstah Mike with a firm and graceful headscissors. Tanner's grip wins the Monstah's grudging respect.

The unexpected success goes to Tanner's head. He swaggers, mistaking a simple fluke for triumph. He shows off, locking Mike's head between his thighs while doing pushups. Mike offers Tanner free access to his muscles if Tanner lets go of him. Tanner accepts the tempting offer. He proceeds to worship the thickset Monstah's pecs and abs. But it's a trap. Without warning, Mike grabs Vonn's head and squeezes it between his heavy thighs.

The back-and-forth struggle is relatively brief, with Monstah Mike dominating Tanner and Mike grudgingly admiring Tanner's resourcefulness. For his part, Tanner is in awe of Mike's heavy but nimble brawn. The battle forms a bond between the two. Even so, Monstah Mike is in control most of the time. Mutual attraction intensifies the two men's vigor and, more spectacularly, the hefty bulge in Tanner Vonn's crotch.

Visit BG East here.


  1. Call me Tanner. I’m in total awe of Mike AND my cock went straight up too!!!

    1. I know. I saw. I'm envious. Partly over you and partly over Mike!

  2. I think Monsta Mike is favorite wrestler. I started following him at MBW and now, BG East. I just found out he also wrestles for Thunders Arena as Reggie.


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