
Trevthor vs Kal Conner, Match 884: Gut Punch (UCW)

Twenty-one minutes of Trevthor playfully pummeling Kal against the corner ropes. If that heats your zipper, this is your match. It's good seeing Trevthor and Kal, of course, especially skimpily clad, and I like the occasional gut punch, but this fight is deja-vu on continuous play, ad infinitum. Can Kal Conner not afford reversals?

Of course, there are worse things, and the slender bodies are attractive, and there can be beauty and joy in endless repetition. But I prefer Match 881, a mat match in which these guys take turns in bullying, arm-locking, spine-stomping, and ball-squeezing. To each his own, though.

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