Immovable Object

Meaty vs Achillies, Bodybuilder Battle 205 (Thunders Arena)

I bought this video not for the wrestling - I wouldn't call it wrestling, exactly - but for the many curves of Meaty's rock-solid physique. It has taken me a while to discover Meaty (6'1", 230#), who has been around a while. This match is all about Meaty's abs.

I suppose Achillies knows that he hasn't a chance of actually wrestling Meaty - you might as well wrestle a marble statue of Hercules. But I'd happily get squeezed in Meaty's side headlock or lifted and carried on Meaty's shoulders. I'd call that an E ticket ride. I hope Achillies is having a good time. Under the circumstances, a good time means getting knocked out and dropped like highway litter. 

Let me repeat - I don't consider any of this wrestling. It's a solo act for Meaty. Getting crushed between biceps and pecs, or saddled and ridden, or riding Meaty's shoulders would give me months and months of jerkoff material.

Visit Thunders Arena here.


  1. Bought it for the same reason! Meaty is hot as hell and a feast for the eyes, despite the scripted wrestling he does.


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