Left for Dead

BeastMode vs Tiger, Grudge Match 41: Where's My Belt? (Black Wrestling Network)

BeastMode shows up to pick up the scraps left after Anniversary Armageddon and finds Tiger in an exhausted heap. Previously, Tiger had proclaimed he would take on any comer, not foreseeing the miserable situation he's in now. An opportunist, Beast Mode seizes this moment of all moments for a rematch, a sapped Tiger being easy pickings.

Tiger (in striped loincloth) has spunk even under the worst circumstances. He portrays his life-or-death struggle realistically and energetically. I assume he's only half awake throughout the fight. But he's not the pushover BeastMode expects. For his part, BeastMode is opportunistic, more than willing to kick a man while he's down. He's strong, but still rough around the edges as a relative newcomer, having appeared in four BWN events, compared to Tiger, whose presence has been constant for the past seven years.

Sexy as fuck, the both of them, but only one will survive this ordeal.

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