
Brendan Byers vs Musculo, Masked Mayhem 22 (BG East)

BGE has a new policy on wrestling masks. It's part of the online MM22 match description, and it says, "Any wrestler who wishes to use a mask can do so, as long as they are willing to stand the humiliation of losing it." Musculo in his "skin-tight silver bikini" decides to take his chances. 

I wonder if he made this decision before he knew that his opponent would be Brendan Byers - whose assets are 57 pounds more than Musculo's #173, years of wrestling experience, reams of savage conquests, an arsenal of well-rehearsed attacks and finishers, and a long list of near-murderous holds.

To his credit, Musculo has hard, thick thighs.  Too bad for him that both of his thighs equal one of Brendan's. Brendan enters the ring in a loincloth. You'd have to go back to 2009 for my earliest eulogies for loincloths. Byers wears his magnificently. If I had a boyfriend, I'd require him to wear loincloths and fundoshi exclusively at home. (The roots of my solitary lifestyle are easy to detect.)

Musculo doesn't speak. He uses gestures and grunts to communicate. It takes a few seconds before Brendan communicates a side headlock to him (also one of my favorite things). Musculo retaliates by leaping on Brendan's back and applying a rear naked choke. Brendan backs him into a turnbuckle and escapes. Musculo repeats the tactic, only to get slammed into the opposite turnbuckle, then pushed back as Brendan repeatedly slams his forearm to the chest.

Brendan proceeds to roll Musculo like cookie dough. Ten minutes later, Musculo gets a hope spot. He kicks Brendan's thigh and then the chest, then the lower spine, bringing the big guy down flat on his face. The masked man punishes Byers for six minutes, one brutal assault after another until Byers shoulder-slams him into the turnbuckle.

Brendan is lord of the ring again for the next twelve minutes. A well-executed piledriver knocks out his opponent. Then, he takes on the task of unlacing the back of Musculo's mask. The mask off, Musculo crawls out of the ring and hides his face under the ring apron. Brendan delivers a second piledriver, this time on the hard floor outside the ring, knocking the "mystery man" o-u-t, his face exposed in the final closeup.

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