
Monstah Mike is a man on a mission, and that mission is to take over BG East. The guy is sumptuous and unyielding - with brawn and girth we associate with wrestlers of long ago. One man steps up to challenge this gorgeous beast in a one-on-one battle. That courageous man is Jonny Firestorm, who vows to save the company from this brute. Handsome Brad Rochelle stands with him, purportedly to make sure Mike fights fair. "Chekhov's gun," though, teaches us that in theater any object, including a human object, must serve a purpose - the gun must be fired. It's inevitable that Brad will be part of the thrashing.

At first Rochelle steers clear of the match, but when he sees Firestorm getting hurt, he intervenes, grabbing Mike by the back of his purple trunks and holding him against the ropes. Getting involved initially makes matters worse for both Jonny and Brad, but the two work together well, but not before Mike scrubs the mat with them. The story shifts between Jonny and Brad working in tandem and the Monstah smashing them - a one-man atom bomb. Perversely, I side with Mike - I like big brutes, and I dislike wrestlers' bullying and ganging up on a solitary fighter. 

Visit BG East here.


  1. I miss the beefy guys of BG ( Barzini, Mazzetti, Powergunz, Farrell, Bruce etc. ) Also, the vintage Britbouts. I consider Excalibur vs Dave King as a masterpiece


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