Crushed and Caressed

Dio Characi vs Nick Adonis, Sexy Showdown 16: Crushed and Caressed (BG East)

Feeling up Dio's torso fires up Nick's aggressiveness. He shoves Dio to the ropes, but Dio evades Nick's right hooks with the skill of a circus acrobat. Dio's nimbleness is a match for Nick's iron strength until Nick spreads Characi across the corner top ropes and forearm smashes his chest. It looks like Dio has spent all his hope spots.

Nick is new to BGE, but elsewhere he has a reputation as a destroyer. But he's a destroyer with feelings. He spreads Characi out on the ring floor and fondles him, the palm of his hand sliding up and down Dio's torso and thighs. "It looks like you like my body, right?" says Dio, groping Adonis's pecs in return. But Nick's not done with Dio. He grips Dio in a side headlock, compressing Dio's throat.

Nick is all smiles as he makes Dio squirm on the ring floor. He shifts position, getting a firm scissor hold on Characi's head. Then he pulls Dio up by his hair, chokes him, then forearm smashes the back of his neck. A variety of other scissor holds follow, flipping Dio this way and that. Still, the two find time to fondle each other's pecs and biceps.

By the match's midpoint, both men are shiny with sweat. Despite the pain, Dio gets some pleasure in copping feels. Adonis's muscles are an endless fascination. As the match nears its end, Nick peels Dio's red trunks off, leaving him with a pink thong. Against the corner ropes, Nick puts the finishing touches on a wet and writhing Dio, head crushed between Nick's powerful thighs.

Visit BG East here.


  1. Nick is so incredibly sexy, I can't wait to see more of him on other sites as well now.

  2. Dio Characi always gives me the impression that he is somewhere else


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