Pharrell vs Kyriakos

James Pharrell vs Kyriakos, WrestleForce - 29 March 2024 

Great match here. Briefly, Kyriakos plays by the rules, but at some point, close to the midpoint, frustrated by Pharrell's expert defenses, the Greek shifts from wrestling his opponent to attempted crippling of his opponent. Kyriakos wears light tan trunks, while Pharrell wears black with a dash of dark red. You can watch the full match by clicking on the link above. I love a good (i.e. vicious) fight, and this one features two remarkable ring fighters - particularly James Pharrell, whom I've praised in earlier matches, clutching my groin and licking my lips.

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  1. Thanks. This just brings back memories of many pre-internet nights waiting all week to watch pro wrestling in my bedroom bc jerking off. I think if I’d had the internet when I was a kid my cock would’ve broken off!!! Happy 4th and may you continue to make your own fireworks while enjoying wrestling!! Just love your blog.

    1. Thanks for the appreciation. This match holds a special place in my heart.


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