KC vs Serg

KC Ryder vs Serg Shepard, Catalog 51: Pound and Shoot (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

KC is bigger, heavier, and more experienced than Serg, but these differences do not matter in MuscleBoy's newly erected wrestling ring. Both wrestlers are making their MuscleBoy debut. For most of the match, Ryder is in charge. Serg is in a struggle with his bourgeoning erection, a significant distraction in a wrestling event. KC sees it and weighs in further.

I like slim wrestlers who fight. I hold to Chuck Palahniuk's claim that "skinny guys fight till they're burger."  Growing up, I saw a number of schoolyard brawls. The skinny-boy brawls were usually the most vicious of the lot. I hardly notice the physical differences here, but I'm rooting for Ryder.

KC's aggression is a turn-on. So are Serg's hope spots. I give Serg credit for trying to even the score, but I'm telling you it won't happen. As stated in the online match description, Serg is most interesting when he's jacking off while KC beats him up. I agree. Both young men are on fire.

Visit MuscleBoy Wrestling here. (Serg goes by the one-word name SergShepard on Wrestlingmale.)


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