Out Cold

Flame vs Dragon, Mat Wars 185 (Thunders Arena)

New hire versus new hire is guaranteed heat. Each man feels the weight on his shoulders to prove himself worthy of underground stardom. Win this bout and you have your golden ticket. Ride your opponent and he's your bitch. This is the match the fans line up for. This is your shot at fame and fortune.

I'm torn between these two. On the one hand, there's Flame - solid muscle with a heavy fist.  On the other, there's agile and mercurial Dragon, who can squirm free of almost any hold. Both have sharpened their technique against another Arena newbie - TNT.  Dragon comes to the Arena with martial arts experience. Flame shows up with a solid and chiseled physique and a background in basement fights.

Flame and Dragon are part of the new wave of contenders - hotties like Scorpion and Zeke. This match consists of constant give and take with an unpredictable outcome. Who will be the master, and who the also-ran? Both look tasty to me.

Visit Thunders Arena here.


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