School Boy Pin

Richi vs Jesse (WatchFighters)

The schoolboy pin is my favorite submission hold. It figured briefly in one of my short stories in this blog's formative years. The story was titled College Boy, and it was based on a real event. A posting called Like a Trojan celebrated the schoolboy's brief appearance in 1961's The Trojan Horse. A 2011 post mourned the gradual disappearance of the schoolboy pin and the shift towards flying off the top ropes. 

Richi is perfect in this schoolboy-centered video. He has the right build: thick thighs, thick biceps, broad shoulders, and a firm grip on his opponent, Jesse. That the battle is one-sided doesn't bother me at all. Jesse gets what's coming to him simply for stepping on the same mat as Richi. The tasty one-sidedness of Richi's control is a must-see for other fans of schoolboy pins.

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