Scrappy vs Dimitri

Scrappy and Dimitri squeeze a lot of juice out of this 2019 contest. As usual, Scrappy is magnificent in everything he does in the ring, and Dimitri keeps up with him, surprisingly. The match has its sluggish moments in the first half - for instance, body slams are abundant, but not convincing. I've seen much worse, though. Scrappy and Dimitri do work well together, and I would enjoy seeing a rematch or two. The bodies glisten, and the muscles pop. Most of the match is shot at a distance, but the closeups, when they happen, are hot and tasty.

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  1. Do you have an email address we can contact you at? Or another non-public way we can correspond? I have a still of a BG match (not BGEast) and I was hoping you might be able to identify one of the wrestlers.

    1. I would like to help if I can, but I don't share email addresses. If you have a title for the event, I can look for it. Even then, I can't promise I can identify the wrestler you have in mind.

    2. I would like to buy this video, so I have a high-def copy, but you might need an account to see it.

    3. I blogged on this match in 2020 ( It's for sale at The wrestlers are John St. James and Chuck Collins.
      Here is the link:


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