Dio and Vonn

Dio Characi vs Tanner Vonn, Undagear 39 (BG East)

Undagear 39 combines the sultry mystique of Dio with the GI-Joe rough of Tanner. I like Dio, smooth as velvet and cheerleader acrobatic, but Tanner looks like what used to be called a man's man, distinctively butch. and a draw for my fantasies. To be fair, Dio is an adroit fighter, but his gimmick is to play up his exoticism. Tanner cuts to the chase, deriding Dio's too-smooth physique. He pops his cueball biceps as a demonstration of his toughness.

Dio clasps his hands and aims a hard blow to Tanner's abs. It's a sneak attack that catches Vonn by surprise and reveals Dio's treachery. Dio follows with more pummeling, mixed with worshipful fondling of Tanner's steel physique. A doubled-up forearm drives Tanner to the mat, and Dio squats on his chest, one hand on Vonn's throat and the other pounding the diaphragm. He repositions to clamp a scissors hold on Tanner's waist. Tanner calls it a "cheap start," and I get aroused over the hint of retribution as well as the front-and-center shot of Vonn's well-defined balls and cock stretching his blue briefs, the helmet head markedly pronounced.

Thirty seconds later, Tanner strikes back with a claw-hold on Dio's crotch. Even after Tanner releases the grip, Characi groans and writhes, lying face down on the mat to protect himself from further assault. Tanner stands next to him, popping his biceps and washboard abs. He pulls Dio to his feet and applies an armpit lock. "Feel those muscles now?" he taunts as Dio thrashes. Tanner's erection looks super-glued to Dio's butt, and now Dio's briefs exhibit a sharp and enticing outline.

From this point on, the action is back and forth, as these studs employ the turnbuckles and top ropes to restrain and punish each other. On the mat, Tanner covers Dio's supine body with his own, stroking up and down the torso. Then he uses the bottom rope to steady himself as his thighs apply pressure to Dio's waist. Later, Dio straddles Vonn's waist while kneading the man's pecs. Vonn reverses and rides Dio's ass as he spreads Dio's legs as wide as they can reach. He flips Characi over and applies an extremely painful camel clutch. Tanner likes to pull hair, and Characi suffers eloquently through moans. 

At the match's midpoint, the wrestlers squeeze into each other, lips to biceps, hands to bulging crotch, gut-to-gut bearhugs, mouth to mouth, mouth to muscle, as ecstatic groans fill the room. Sweat glistens as their bodies writhe in unison, all but inseparable in the end.

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  1. Glad to see Characi at BGeast. Great guy for a fight. As much as I like him, I love seeing him get punished.


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