Fun and Games, Then Things Get Hot

Amino vs Jedrick, Battlespace 160 (Thunders Arena)

It was okay at first. Amino invited newbie Jedrick to rassle - no pressure, no competition, just exercising and maybe some tussling. Somehow egos got in the way, and playtime turned mean. The change happened gradually as tempers flared - but hardly noticeably. Then, the bursts of machismo got out of control.

Even as the fight turned real, the receiver of the hard jabs took them as a stoic should, through endurance calmly. After all, Amino had the upper hand for the most part. Gradually, though, the urge to strike back outweighed the desire to maintain a gentlemanly agreement. Perseverance cracked.

For quite a while, Amino succeeded in faking nonchalance. Then, what the heck? - let's fight. And the story doesn't stop there, but a new player arrives, Skull, uprooting the pretense of nonchalance. and cutting loose on the last man standing. And then he chokes out the other guy, too.

Visit Thunders Arena here.


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