Jonny Shoots Down Another Hotshot

Jonny Firestorm vs Nathan FX, Back Attack (Wrestler4Hire)

Nathan FX loses his short winning streak early on. Jonny Firestorm is in the ring - need I say more? Nathan's fate is hell on earth for the rest of the match, and while monotonous, it's hard to turn my eyes away from the pow-bang-oompf that occupies the final half of this unequal match. FX barely knows what hit him from one spot to the next. Unlike most heels, Jonny doesn't snarl and make faces. His facial expressions do not change - they barely even count as expressions. His face remains tranquil, as if he were reading the morning newspaper. I don't recall seeing his eyes blink even once.

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  1. Johnny is an artist. He always delivers. And I like the fact that he remains sexy even when he is overweight. I would like to see him in a ring match vs Meaty


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