Old School

Connor McDermott vs Greg Worthy, Enter the Studs! (Wrestle Studs)

I am still wondering how Wrestle Studs managed to transport this match from 1971. It has everything - hairy chested hothead, bleach blond beachboy, chin locks, sweat, speedy reversals, body slams, chokes, grunts, and groans. This match shows us all we need to know about the squared circle. Both men over six feet tall - Worthy (in classic black trunks, 230 pounds plus 6'3") and McDermott (six feet, 210 pounds, and Macho yellow trunks). Both men are crackling hot, in fine shape minus overly showy muscle - the flesh is pinchable, not stretched between nips and tucks. I also love hairy versus smooth and fast, reckless action. This is about as perfect as underground wrestling gets.

Visit Wrestle Studs here.


  1. It seems to be nice…I think that there is a niche to be taken in the market of “gay wrestling “ Good “old school matches” performed by naturally well built and manly guys In a ring in front of a limited audience of other wrestlers in gear but not like in wrestlingmale. Truck drivers vs policemen, for instance


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