Boys in the Back Room

Baby Herc vs Reef, No Holds Barred 248 (Thunders Arena)

I'm hooked on Baby Herc. Still, I'm anxious to see him break out of his current role as genial newbie. His matches with ScrappyAmino, and Silas are full of potential, which I am pretty sure he soon will fulfill. Tall and handsome men tend to be easygoing, but I'm ready for Herc to break lose and kick some ass ... to be specific, muscle-dude Reef's ass. 

I want Herc to spring to his feet and start kicking ass, but that moment hasn't fully arrived yet. Reef toys with Herc, and Herc reciprocates. I'd call the action tentative, and softly competitive. With some success, both wrestlers try to bring more life to the contest. Reef looks and acts bad-boy tough, and I suspect that two or three matches from now, or sooner, he will hit his stride.

Herc is still working on his gimmick, but his physique and cool head are enough for me. I want a sweaty and vigorous rematch.

Visit Thunders Arena here.


  1. I think Reef deserves a lot of attention. This man I phenomenal!


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