By Demand

Sir Dark vs Denny Hellbo (WatchFighters)

I am responding to an anonymous comment on a June 14th post. Here is the exquisite death match of Sir Dark and Denny Hellbo. It's a nailbiter to the final frame, when the screen goes black as the loser writhes gasping on the mat. Dark and Hellbo are underground wrestling gods at WatchFighters. A rematch would be great.

Visit WatchFighters here.


  1. Denny is one of the sexiest men alive. After watching so many videos of this alpha dominating and cuckolding other men and being worshiped by countless betas, I must admit to being completely turned on by these videos in the last couple years where he gets his ass kicked. Nothing is hotter than seeing a dominant alpha male being overpowered and put in his place.


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