Straight vs Straight

In a March posting, Ivan the Bulgarian made short work of Sir Dark. Now, he returns to squash Dark's former enemy now partner Lil D. Lil D talks big, promising vengeance for his defeat in a straight-vs-straight match I missed (but am feverishly downloading as I write this) along with Ivan's more recent battle with Sir Dark. The three together are one sumptuous treat leading to an out-and-out balls-tingling massacre. Yumm!

So I researched the straight-vs-straight match that led to the three-way above. I kinda prefer the more recent fight, with Ivan at the mercy of Lil D and Sir Dark doubling up against him. But the balls-against-balls and distance of chin-to-cock in the images that follow prove there may be no real difference between gay and straight after all. When it comes to wrestling, we're all brothers under the Spandex.

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  1. I like your comments. Well written and funny


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