Beach Boys 2

Daniel vs Viktor, Beach Boys 2 (Underground Wrestler)

I want the guy in the pale-yellow strap bikini. He goes by the name Daniel. He looks tough and takes no shit from the slender kid in the black bikini. He puts up with the punk's hijinks just so far; then he starts ripping the dude's balls off. Punk doesn't stand a chance against this guy, who I'd bet has U.S. Marine training and a motorcycle cop's gruff temper. The guy in black gets hope spots at the beginning and again near the end, but it's the stout, vengeful hunk in yellow who ultimately feeds his opponent to the fishes. Even with only a mild penchant for danger, I'd happily kick sand in Daniel's eyes just to stir up his ire and receive some muscly punishments in return. 

Visit Underground Wrestler here. This link may not work if you're in a state, like mine, with strict age verification laws, some requiring government-issued ID. 


  1. Like You, the link to Underground does work in Texas, it sucks and stupid. It's wrestling why have a restriction. I hate it ! What can we do ?

    1. Vote. It may be the only weapon we have.

    2. Your right vote; I wished there was away around in getting this site though LOL, there are other wrestling sites like MDW that show much sex wrestling - thank goodness that was not blocked.


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