Let Him Have It! - Fifty Matches That Made 2021 Their Bitch

This end-of-year list sums up my current tastes in wrestling and wrestlers. It's subjective, of course, and my tastes change over time. Also, some of these matches were shot before 2021, but so what?

What I'm into is guys throwing everything they have at each other. To push my buttons, the ideal match should be stormy, the fighters big and/or dangerous and inventive, the opponents intensely responsive to each other, similar to each other, too, and the camera close enough to capture every twitch and gasp for air. 

In keeping with the blog's usual focus, I decided not to include matches outside underground wrestling, though many of them have been outstanding. I blogged on all the following matches from January 1st to December 30th of 2021.

Happy New Year, my friends! I invite you to leave your comments, complaints, well wishes, resolutions, and voodoo curses in the Comments section below.


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